Easter Bunny Cupcakes
Mickey Mouse Cupcakes
These yummy Easter cupcakes are sooo easy to decorate. All you need is:
Cupcake-Use your favorite flavor cake recipe
Ears-You can use fondant or some people use sugar cookie mix (just shape like bunny ears and cook)
Icing-Use your favorite white icing
Teeth-You can use small marshmallows or white square gum
Eyes- Use favorite round candy
Nose-Jelly beans work really good
Bake your cupcakes in your favorite cupcake liners. Let cool. Ice with white icing. Ice ears and put in place (you may want to shove ears in cake just a little and use a little icing to act as glue). Pile a little icing on cupcake for cheeks. Use pink sprinkles for ears. Use candy for eyes and nose.
There you go........Cute Easy Easter Cupcakes!